Monday, May 13, 2013

The law of attraction is simple physics....

In reading Susan's blog, I realized how similar my story was in meeting my husband and her blog inspired me to write about it.  At that time I didn't title it programmation or thought of it as programming.  I simply thought of it as Newton's third law of motion - to every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.
The action = Put your energy and passion towards what you want while articulating it clearly in writing. Do this often - everyday, several times a week or a couple of times of a week but somehow make time to prioritize it.
The reaction = The universe will find a way to bring it to you.

Several years ago, I was divorced, a work-a-holic (90 hours per week) and a runner.  I wasn't dating a lot because I wan't making time for it and when I did go out on a date, it simply wasn't a match.  During the second year of my newly divorced life I decided to start a gratitude journal (my first entry was on Feb 24, 2008) to take me out of my work-a-holic cloud and bring me back to reality a bit.  All I did was write the things for which I was grateful that day some of which were my health, being alive, my family, the smiles and laughter I share with my niece and nephew and "to be given the experiences I encounter in my job and being exposed to cultures in many different countries."
On Feb 26, 2008 I modified my journal to include "I want..." after I documented "I am grateful for..." I figured it was important to focus on gratitude as well as articulating my wants in life.  Here is what I wrote:
"I want to have a positive influence on all people with whom I come into contact."
" I want to marry a man w"
I wasn't able to finish the sentence when it came to the man I wanted to marry because I didn't yet know how to articulate what I looking for.  How could I even meet the man I wanted to meet if I couldn't even define him in words?
Feb 28, 2008 I was "grateful for having a great evening with Susan (This is the Susan with whom I write this blog) and for attracting such a nice girl into my life."  That day I started my journey to articuating the man for whom I was looking and wrote " I want to meet, fall in love with and marry a man who is intelligent, honest, trustworthy, has integrity, credibility, to whom I am wildly attracted, who is supportive, is in love with me, who is wild about me, brings out the best in me and in whom I bring out the best." I vividly remember writing these words and not feeling connected to them.  I wasn't yet emotionally assocating the words with the wants but it was a step closer to meeting him.  I know knew how to define him but it felt a little robotic.
As I was journaling, people had been trying to set me up with this person named Barry.  Barry and I knew each other for nearly 15 years but we had not dated.  About one year before I met my former husband, a friend wanted to set me up with Barry but he thought I was too tall for him (we're actually the same height but I used to wear high heels which made me tower over him).  I let it go and she then set me up with the man who became my former husband.
Back to my second year of being divorced.  When people would ask to set me up with Barry, I would simply tell them to forget it because he thought I was too tall.  Over the year this happened 8 times!  Some were friends, some were people I met at the salon while getting my nails done but it happened quite often.  The last one was the strangest and the catalyst to meeting the man I would later marry.
I'll continue this story next time I have to go purchase some things for our soon to be 3 year old's birthday party.....: )

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