Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Programmation to get what you want in life - Part 3 - the Vision Board

I was now a firm believer that I was able to get what I wanted in life by:  1) determining what I wanted, 2) writing it down, and 3) believing that it would happen.  It had worked like magic with my husband.  He was everything I had "ordered" :)  It was also working for my great friend Kathy, who is detailing her experiences in our blog as well.  Now I was excited to see what other things I could order and get!

I was pushing 40, was newly married, and we both wanted a child/children.  For some unknown reason though, I was nervous to create a new list of programmation for a baby and kept stalling.  At that time, Kathy wanted to go with me to a locally advertised evening where all present would be creating a dream/vision board.   This involved an evening of searching through magazines and finding pictures and quotations of items you want to attract into your life that you paste onto a cardboard surface.  You then put this vision board in a place where you can see it each day as a reminder to keep focusing on your goals and dreams.  During that evening, I found this adorable picture of a dark haired baby boy.  I had to put him on my vision board.  He looked a lot like my husband.  That evening was what I needed to get me motivated to focus my energy on a baby - what we were wanting.

From that evening on, I was re-energized.  I created a list of programmation for our baby and found myself spending more and more time trying to make our baby a reality.  I joined "baby clubs" online (www.babycenter.ca), calculated, using my monthly cycle, when I could get pregnant, and daily read articles online on this topic.  I was so focused.  Within a short time, I was pregnant!  I had never been pregnant before, yet here I was!  I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy who is now four years old and as wonderful as ever.

My husband and I both wanted more children, yet neither of us could get motivated the way we were with our baby.  I tried creating a new vision board and more than once a list of programmation, but my heart just wasn't in it - and it never came about.  It's like it wasn't meant to be.  I really believe in my case that the desire and feeling of expectation helped make our baby a reality for us.

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