Monday, July 8, 2013

How I Remain Positive with a Devastating Illness

You've been diagnosed with an incurable illness that generally progresses with time - what will your future hold, and will you ever be happy again?  The news is devastating, but please be assured that you are still in control of your life, and happiness can be yours if you choose it.

Seventeen years ago, I was diagnosed with an incurable illness - multiple sclerosis (MS).  I've had many attacks on my body and am at a place now where walking unassisted is not really possible; and just when it seemed things couldn't get any worse, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I have learned a lot about myself, about life, and about others along the way, and I want to share with you how I remain happy despite these adversities.

First, I found out everything I possibly could about these illnesses.  Know your enemy.  When I first thought of MS, I envisioned canes, walkers and wheelchairs.  What we imagine can be much worse than the real thing.  Through my research I learned that there are different kinds of MS, and it can be controlled somewhat with diet, exercise and attitude.  Working at keeping yourself as healthy as possible will give you a sense of power and control over the illness.

Surround yourself with positive, happy people.  I read countless books that gave me hope like "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "Ask and it is Given" by Esther Hicks, and watched television shows that guaranteed a good laugh like Seinfeld. As they say, laughter is the best medicine.

Exercise.  Your body needs to move, no matter how far along the illness is, and exercise will not only greatly improve your body, but also your mood.

Help others, it will make a world of difference to both you and them.  Firstly, it will help you to focus your energy away from the illness and any negativity that may come with it.  Secondly, it helps you to realize that others have it hard too and need your help.  The golden rule says that there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving, so thirdly, you will feel so good and happy to know that you have the power and ability to make a difference in the lives of others in need.  And finally, those you are helping will be encouraged by your self-sacrificing and will be motivated to help others too. What you give out to others, tends to return to you tenfold.

Looking forward to something in the near future will also help to keep you happy.  Whether it's a vacation away, a movie out with a loved one, or a dinner with friends and family, having something to look forward to will keep your spirits up.

Believe that you will get well - whether from science or from a higher power.  There are countless doctors and researchers working on a cure, and things can change overnight.  Believe that it will.  This faith and hope has made a huge difference to me, and is what keeps me going - the belief that whatever happens, I will bounce back.  There is stem cell research that can regenerate mobility that has been lost.  I even heard the other day that researchers are not too far away from doing a full head transplant onto a donor body.  Crazy I know, but this could be the answer for someone completely incapacitated.

Take the time to focus on all the good in your life and write down all that you have for which to be grateful.  You will soon realize that there are many great things to dwell on other than the illness.

Whenever I walk down the road with my cane and a big smile on my face, it always seems to surprise people.  It's like they expect me to be sad, but when I smile it serves as an inspiration to them, and I can't tell you how many times they have said this to me.  You can be an inspiration to others too.  As the good book says, "when I am weak, then I am powerful".  If you don't feel like smiling, try to fake it until you make it.  You'll be surprised how quickly it will come naturally for you and in turn, bring you joy.

There is no explanation as to why this illness has manifested itself, but you have the power to not let it consume you while maintaining a happy life.  Nobody on this earth knows what good or bad is around the corner.  All we can do is live our lives in a way that will bring us, and those around us, the greatest happiness.

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